Zamar Biopsy
General info - Precutaneous Drainage

Precutaneous Drainage needles/catheters placement allow to solve many clinical problems like the presence of liquid into the pleural cavity (Thoracentesis) or the ascitical liquid removal (Abdominal Paracenthesis).


10000 ml Paracentesis set

Whistle needle tip with 60cc. syringe, 10000 ml. drainage bag with check valve, drainage tap, fi – xing clamp, 3 ways stopcock and PVC connector tube. Removable stylet perfectly coupled at the cannula tip.

Zamar Biopsy

The procedure is considered only as a help guide. Each physician should evaluate the procedure here described according to its experience and type of need. Is a single use device. Zamar disclaims any liability for reuse of this device.

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